
Sunday, August 14, 2011

God Loves You...And So Do I

God Loves You, And So Do I.  (GLYASDI)....

Eleven years ago this coming Labor Day Weekend, I was whisked away to a 3-day spiritual retreat for teens. A three day weekend where you get to hear other youth your age talk about their faith journey. Where you draw posters, have small group discussion, and come up with a ridiculously annoying and long table name to make the Youth Director absolutely crazy. Share The Word, Teens Encounter Christ has been a movement in Eastern NC for 25 years. Okay, so TEC is really hard to explain in writing, or in words in a conversation, but I'm going to try my hardest to get the gist of it across to you. (Although you'll never fully understand it unless you go, so... )

So, eleven years ago I was 14. I was practically forced onto my church's van with a bunch of my friends and told I was going to TEC. All I knew about TEC was that my cousins Jane and Amanda had gone and loved it. AND, that God would become more important to me and I would learn more about my faith and God's plan for me.  As I watched my mom wave good-bye I thought to myself "I don't care about God's plan." Flash forward to day 2 of the retreat and I did care about God's plan. The people (youth mainly) on this retreat were amazing. The "talks" that they gave related to me as a freshman in high school. I didn't feel like I was separate from everyone else while I was there. I felt included for the first time. I wasn't an outcast. God loved me. God needed to be a part of my life, and I realized that I needed Him in my life too. And, more importantly, I wanted Him there.

Eleven years later, I'm 25 years old and still involved in this amazing retreat. I don't want this to sound the wrong way... but no matter how hard I've resisted or tried to get TEC out of my life, somehow God slaps it back in my face. Almost like He's saying, "Look dear, this saved your life, the least you could do is serve."
Now, don't get me wrong. TEC is amazing. But there have been a few times that calls from TEC to serve in different positions didn't fit into my life at that point....But God's always found a way to send TEC to me when I've needed it the most. For example... Last Labor Day, I decided to go up to the camp where the retreat is held for the "surprise" on the weekend. (I'm not saying anything else, because I'm not sure who all reads this, and some kid from my church may see it and I can't spoil it if they're coming to a future TEC...). I arrived and realized that there was NO ONE there that I knew...that I could see at that moment anyway. As if on cue, Barbara Oates came around the corner. I've known Barbara since I made my first TEC (#21, eleven years ago!). She's now in charge of the board with her husband Tommy. As Barbara and I got caught up with each other, she mentioned that they were in need of adults for the MLK Jr. weekend in January... I knew where this was going. So I politely told her that I would think about it. I talked to my mom and to Cameron and got their opinions...which were basically the same.... both said that maybe this was a good thing... I was in a new place... going through a different part of my journey in life... maybe it would be a good thing....

Needless to say, I accepted the call. I went to the meetings, but I was never really sure if I was supposed to be there. I wasn't sure if I would ever feel connected. Sure, there were people on team that I knew and had been friends with forever ago. And the youth that I was put with was more than amazing. (Brandon is like a little angel that God sent to me)... But there was just something missing... and I couldn't put my finger on it.

I showed up for the weekend in January ready to serve and with a slightly opened heart. But my eyes were closed. Saturday night, when the guests were participating in a highly emotional part of the weekend, the "hidden team" that I was a part of was also having some time with God through devotions and what we called Holy Conversation with a friend or small group. My friend Paul and I reconnected during this time, and I was truly moved by the Holy Spirit. I got to tell Paul about shortcomings that I had, grief that I was still holding onto about my Dad... Long story short, I had been called to this weekend for a reason: To find myself...again.

One thing that still amazes me after 11 years, is that every time I go on a TEC weekend, no matter what position I am serving in, I always think that it will be the same. (After 11 years, you would think I would know better..) BUT... God somehow finds a way to make me see just how amazing His love truly is. And I have been super blessed to have met the people in this retreat. They are some of my best friends, and I can call them at any time, day or night and they will be there for me. No. Matter. What.

So, in a nutshell. TEC is amazing. And it has changed my life.

One of the "sayings" from TEC is the title of this Blog Entry... God Loves You and So Do I. It's written on the little special gifts you are given, we all say it constantly, and that is what the speakers close their wonderful talks with.

Two weeks ago tomorrow, Martha Bailey, a member of my church and member of Via de Cristo (adult version of TEC...who also uses God loves you and so do I...) and one of my dear friends... passed away suddenly. Martha was a woman of Faith and was able to share her faith in so many ways at our church and through VdC. I'm blessed to have known such a great woman, and to have been a part of the women's retreat we did last January. August 6 was her memorial service at our church and at the end of the service, Pastor John announced that the family would receive the congregation in the fellowship hall during the reception. Jim, Martha's husband then stood up and said, "Martha said to tell you, God loves you, and so do I."

Wow. That's all I could think. Actually, that's a lie. What I was really thinking was, "OMG Jim! How could you say that? Now I'm really going to be crying hysterically."

But later, as I was looking at the "God is Love" talk that I was assigned for this TEC weekend on Labor Day, all I could think of was Martha. And of Jim saying "Martha said to tell you, God loves you, and so do I." So I went for it. I typed up Martha's story. And I realized that TEC has made me see that God does love me. And so do all of those people that I have been blessed to meet over the years. Nothing in the world will ever replace what I have in my heart for this retreat. I have learned so much from these high school and college aged youth... and I'm sure they'll never be able to see how awesome they truly are. But I do hope that whoever reads this might be able to understand how much TEC means to me. And not to mention how much it has benefited my life.

And, just maybe, you've realized why us TECites use those words so often...

God Loves You, And So Do I.


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