
Tuesday, March 22, 2011

How many tractors do you have to pass to get from Lumberton to Wilmington?

So, how many tractors do you have to pass to get from Lumberton to Wilmington?

Well? What's your answer? 

If you said 10, You are CORRECT!!! 

Just another day in the life of the travels back and forth between Lumberton and Wilmington. At this point, after the hog shit, stranded cows, and goats on a table... Oh I haven't written about the goats... ok, well, anyway, between the hog shit, the Elwood Ferry, and stranded cows, nothing really surprises me anymore... 

For example:
I was driving back to Lumberton from Wilmington on Hwy 211. I was listening to the ACC championship game between Duke (!!!!) and UNC (who, I don't think realized that they had a a game to play that day...) and just taking in the warm sunshine and breeze from having the windows down. 

As I was driving I noticed some children in a yard in the distance. Nothing out of the ordinary and I smiled to myself because I could see the little children playing with some kittens as well.... Okay, we all know that when I smile to myself because I THINK that I'm seeing something really interesting or precious, or cute... I tend to be wrong. (Point in Case: Hog Shit Sprayer *find the blog here-Hog Poopie) As I approached the nice big yard and saw the children I realized that they were not playing with Kittens after all. The "kittens" were .... Goats. Baby goats. On top of a picnic table. 

WHAT? Ok, Goats as pets- I totally get that and I've played with my fair share of baby goats. My Papa had a friend who raised goats and we would always get to go see them once the babies were born (precious). And I know that the goats and other farm animals are nothing out of the ordinary for these back country roads that I travel on... 

But goats ON TOP of a picnic table? Didn't their momma ever tell those youngin's that a PICNIC table is for EATIN and not playing with your baby goats? 

Some people. 


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